Thursday, December 18, 2008

Laptops, Google Docs, and Grade 5/6 Social Studies Oh MY!!!!

I must admit, I had a wonderful lesson on graphing climate averages for ten Canadian Communities using the spreadsheets on Google Docs.

What made it particularly pleasant was the portability of the laptops; I could create small groups of 3 students per laptop and move them well apart from each other. This way, there were no other computers and students to distract group members from the task at hand. Three can cluster around a laptop and be totally involved.

We started with one of those S & S Learning maps which showed 10 communities all over Canada with their minimum and maximum average temperatures. Students had to create a spreadsheet with 3 columns: Communities, Average Winter Temperature in Degrees Celcius, and Average Summer Temperature in Degrees Celcius. They entered the data from the maps. (One group member could read as another typed). They then created a bar graph; winter temps for the most part below the zero mark in blue and summer temperatures above the zero mark in red. I then asked them to share the document with their two buddies so all had a copy. Too too cool. (No more, "The document is stored on his/her computer and he/she is not here.")

(As well, grade six has been studying basic integers in math; this ties in with integers and data management. Not bad eh?)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Is blogging becoming passe?

I've noticed fewer and fewer blogs (mine included) - not only from LSKYSD teachers, but also from the formerly prolific bloggers to whom I subscribe? Is this because we have found new tools - Twitter, Yammer, Edmoto..... in order to communicate our peals of wisdon and insight, or do we have less and less to say? Have we lost our sense of wonder with these new tools, or are we being more judicious about what we do say? Are we just plain tired, or have we found our networks and are we sticking to them?

For me, I'm not sure I have as much to say. I am not directly teaching a technology class per se; however I am using technology to teach most of my classes. I'm experimenting with Edmodo. I'm using Google Docs for students to complete short historical research assignments in ArtsEd 9/10. My grade 5/6 social studies class is epaling with Epals, and teleconferencing using Skype. Of course, we are wordprocessing assignments! I've written about these already; how much more can I say? As well, like everyone, I'm "busy, busy, busy....".

We are still Skyping with a class in the states. I'd like to Skype with a class in LSKYSD. Anyone interested?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

"Don't ever kid yourself....everyone in this room is wearing a uniform..."

Somewhere in my seventies socializations, I learned to attribute the above quote to Frank Zappa, whose music I loved, but whose lyrics sometimes escaped me (thank goodness).

Which brings me to this website which explores the uniforms of different identifiable social groups in various cities around the world.

To summarize from their website:

"Rotterdam-based photographer Ari Versluis and profiler Ellie Uyttenbroek ...Inspired by a shared interest in the striking dress codes of various social groups, they have systematically documented numerous identities over the last 14 years...
They call their series Exactitudes: a contraction of exact and attitude. By registering their subjects in an identical framework, with similar poses and a strictly observed dress code, Versluis and Uyttenbroek provide an almost scientific, anthropological record of people's attempts to distinguish themselves from others by assuming a group identity....

I love this site. When you go to the home page, all you get is a grid of torsos. You click on a grid where most of the torsos look the same, and voila, there is a grid of 12 people. The name of the group and the date taken is at the bottom.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Eldon you are right: Edmodo does rock!

Silly me; at the technology meeting I did not hang out with Eldon and listen to what he does with Edmodo. It was only later that I twigged onto its possibilities. However, when I did create an account, I had nothing but difficulties. I assumed them to be due to my incompetence and only in desperation did I seek help. Enter Jeff O'Hara of Edmodo. Through email communications he and his colleagues worked tirelessly until my Edmodo account was functioning perfectly. That was service above and beyond!!! And imagine: it wasn't my fault after all that it didn't work.

Keep me posted Tekkie ones as to what you are doing with Edmodo.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our Final Assignment for the Day...

DDonna said we had to blog before we go I'm blogging.

Tech committee meetings are great. Wonderful. Superb. Why? We learn lots. We network. We schmooze. We network some more. We exchange ideas. How can one adequately describe what one learns when the fruits of the meeting only have their genesis here. I guess these meetings never really end. They are a professional and personal development day that keeps on giving and growing.

Thanks Donna. Thanks Living Sky School Division. I come out of these meetings wanting to go back to teach and keep on learning with my tekkie colleagues. Does being an educator get much better?

My brain is full.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Does not teaching a computer class mean I have nothing to say?

Yikes! I haven't posted anything since September 3. I'm not teaching any "computer classes" this semester, but I am using computers with my teaching of classes. For example:

I'm teaching Arted 9 and 10 this semester. I've asked my students to create a Google Docs account so they can create and post some assignments. So far, I've asked them to create a presentation of 10 digital greyscale photos as part of a unit on Value. In my next unit, on colour, I am having them create a short research presentation on De Stijl Art (for primary colours). After they do research (art history) I'll have them create a project based on it.

My Grade 5/6 Classes: I remember back in the day spending long periods of time on handwriting skills. Now I spend time on keyboarding skills. As I am lefthanded, I find keyboarding a lot less stressful than handwriting. I start with All the Right Type, but soon have students keyboarding language arts assignments. Social Studies: We are still Epaling: we are still writing to Waterloo, Illinois and Lagos, Nigeria. As well, I've started experimenting with Google Earth (just baby steps mind you!) Next on the agenda is using an online "game" to practice latitude and longitude. I also want my grade 5/6 students to get Google accounts. We have a class blog, but haven't been updating too much.

Me: I'm still record keeping with Google Spreadsheets. So far it's going!!! I also faithfully read my Google Reader every day.

Have a great weekend, and we'll see the tekkie types at the tech meeting next Thursday!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I love having a laptop on my desk...or how Google Docs are changing the way I organize myself at school

Thank you Living Sky School Division for giving me a laptop for my desk. Thank you also for the wireless internet that goes with it. I am finding that I am finding new ways to use it productively while I am at my desk. For example, I've been experimenting the first days or weeks of school with the Spreadsheets on Google Docs to not only create class lists, but also to record marks, lockers, locker combinations etc. etc. I know I can use Open Admin; however it takes time for all the info to be inputted into the system. So far, I've created a spreadsheet for each grade I teach, and have been adding pages as I need them. I can keep them open all day with out them logging off. I can also access them on any computer on any network. I can also add student names when I need to. I'm a little nervous going "paperless"...

So far, after 4 days, it seems to be working. Any tips from anyone using it for the same thing?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Cool Tools for Schools

Cool Tools for Schools is a wiki with a fabulous collection of Web 2.0 tools. It is well organized and easily navigated. Check it out.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So...what exactly IS 21st Century Learning?

My step-daughter is in medical school, and publishes a blog about her experiences. Some interesting recent quotes (she is writing 3rd semester finals this week)

"today’s final is blocks 1-3 cumulative with a bunch of neurological exam stuff thrown in. i know my spinal cord transections and syndromes way better than i did when we first learned them in May. and i know blood supply like nobody’s biznez."


"Dr. L indulged us in a seemingly never-ending 4 hour Genetics review yesterday afternoon for the seemingly never-ending 4 month Genetics cumulative final. he just stuck around and kept teaching as long as there were students (about 15 of us) willing to listen. it was great! and really very generous of him. i mean, it’s not like the Assistant Dean isn’t a busy man.

i found the review session particularly helpful because even though i don’t like studying in groups, i have a hard time identifying the small bits and pieces i’m neglecting or forgetting."

From her posts, I gather that she has a LOT of straight memory work to do to get through these exams. She also has to write standardized exams which I assume require the same kinds of memory skills to get through.

This is 2008. I know she will need to be able to look up info and come to some new kinds of creative constructive knowledge, but she will also have to rely on a fair chunk of stored basic knowledge aquired by good old fashioned pre-21st century methods in order to be a good doctor.

Are we sometimes forgetting this when we write about "the learners of the future?"

Monday, July 7, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Why being the tekkie teacher AND a homeroom teacher doesn't suck....

I have a great class. A fabulous class.

We have worked hard this year on many academic pursuits. Now we are doing projects...tekkie projects. One is (I'm so glad you asked) are Animoto slide show/animations based on quotes from Twelfth Night, a Shakespearean comedy.
The assignment was: 1. pick a quote from the play; 2. select photos (we've collected many of our own digital photos on the public drive so there are no copyright issues); 3. manipulate photos (we've used GIMP); 4. upload photos to Animoto; 5. Post them on our Grade 5/6 blogsite

Check them out. Be entertained. Get cultured. We did.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Thanks for the mention Pricilla...

...and just because I CAN, I'm going to post a video that succinctly expresses how every teacher and student feels from 9 to 3:30 every school day in June...

Friday, May 30, 2008

Congratulations Donna!

Our fearless techno-leader, Donna D. has just convocated with her Masters Degree in Education. Best wishes Donna, and congratulations for graduating from one of the coolest masters programs anywhere with one of the coolest advisers.
(Picture credit thanks to Dr. R. Schwier).

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Success! We had our best videoconference ever!

Today we videoconferenced with our epals from Waterloo, Illinois. (We had tried to do it last Thursday, but the internet flaked out too many times. Seems lots of us had that problem that day.)

What also made it wonderful was that we could do it from the "comfort" of our own classroom. Wireless is WONDERFUL. We used Skype and projected the screen using a data projector. (No smart board for us....GARY! where are you when we need you!)

Mr. Theobald was the "quiz master" and Waterloo students asked us geography questions.

We conferenced for half an hour. Our sound wasn't great, but if people spoke clearly we could hear them.

The only downer...our epals start summer holidays this Friday. NOT FAIR.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Now if we could show this to all kids...

This is a fabulous video about internet safety and privacy.

I ask the question: at what age or grade level would this video be appropriate?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

This is sometimes how I feel when I read too many Ed Tech blog posts

Some days if I hear buzz terms like "21st century skills" I think of this famous movie clip

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Podcast Central

...hello....this is patriciaellencone aka "Ms. Cone" reporting live from the computer lab at Hafford Central School.

I've given some creative writing / performing assignments to go with our study of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Many of my students are creating podcasts using Audacity. I have no idea (much) how all of this will turn out, but right now the kids are having a blast (so am I if the truth be told).

I've created a notebook with some podcasting links from where we can download sound effects and music loops.

...We'd like to have any tips that anyone out there can pass on about the use of Audacity. We'll pass any one that we learn.

Keep posted...

Friday, May 9, 2008

Observing the Obvious

I've taught Google Docs to my grade 7/8 computer class as an introduction to word processing. I've been requiring my grade 5/6 class to use the slide show to finish an assignment in Social Studies.

Guess which class is more motivated not only to use it, but to explore it's uses?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Google Docs Presentation, Create a Graph and Social Studies

Google Docs adventure continued....

I've assigned my Grade 5 and 6 (Grade Six content) a "mini" research project. Using (mostly) the CIA Factbook (I know, I know, but it works well for this assignment) students collect data on an assigned country in the Atlantic Region. I've given them an identical data sheet for Canada. They are then to create a Google Docs presentation comparing the data from their country and Canada. We've looked at GNP per capita, population, birth rate, poverty rate etc. etc. Basically, I want them to compare statistics to know whether their country is richer or poorer than Canada.

Next, we are graphing some of the data: Using Create a Graph.

This is an online program that creates graphs and charts from which the students can download the images in .jpg form (and others) and/or print the data. My students are inserting their .jpg graphs into the appropriate pages of their presentations.

The adventure continues.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Google Docs? The experiment continues.

I'm having my grade 5 and 6 class use the presentation tools in Google Docs with which to present their Social Studies research data. So far, it seems to be working well except for the day the internet was down. They are loving doing something new, and I'm liking being able to have a collaborative link to their ongoing work.

If anyone has any useful information regarding Google Docs, let me know.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Are there cyborg teachers?

From my university days, I recall that the definition of a cyborg was a "seamless melding of human and machine" (or something like that). I'm wondering if frequent (one day or more a week) bloggers are in fact, cyborgs; their brains are seamlessly connected to a computer or cell phone and they can write up endless blog posts?

I've noticed how few blog posts even our most frequent bloggers make compared to some bloggers I have on my reader...

Maybe they really ARE out there....(gulp).....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Adventures with Google Docs: The next frontier?

I've taken a bit of a plunge into (for me is) the unknown. I've introduced my grade 7/8 computers, and grade 5/6 homeroom kids to Google Docs.

The grade 5/6 kids are ENTHRALLED (or at least some are, and some more are prepared to be). When they had their 5 paragraph essays to word process (yes! I make my kids do 5 paragraph essays because of some traumatic events of my past resulting from my inability to write an essay of any kind), a few of them elected to use Google Docs because they could work from home. Today, I shared a "view only" copy of their new social studies mini-research assignment. Hopefully, this will be a back up for those pesky missing papers and will lead into some interesting sharings with their data. However, I was jolted with pangs of guilt when, after school, two students were "chatting" with other students already at home. (Well, looseleaf and pencils can be used for academic purposes OR writing nasty notes to your recent enenmies).

I've created a word processing unit which covers word processing as a process and allows students to learn 3 kinds of word processors: commercially available (ie Word), open source (ie, and online (Google Docs). I've put it together for my grade 7/3 computers class and I'm teaching it now. I'll share with anyone provided they contribute to the refining and extending of it. (It is pretty basic!)

I'd also like any kind of feedback, sharing, tips, suggestions, inspirations....from anyone using these or similar online tools.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Zoeybot - a search engine for kids

I just happened upon a link for Zoeybot

This is a search engine/ wikipedia for kids. I tried looking up an entry on a country and it was actually readable. Worth checking out.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Please blog with us!

My grade 5/6 class has a class blog at

We'd love for some bodies to read us and write comments on our blog.

Friday, April 11, 2008

ArtsEd meets ELA and Voicethread with Interesting Results

My grade 5 and 6 class had truly wonderful plasticine art projects of their favourite places to be. I thought the project results were too good not to take further, so I asked Jennifer Shumanski, grade one teacher extraordinaire, if she wanted to partner up and help us with an online story project about the grade 5/6 favourite places to be.

First, I took pictures of all the art projects. Next, I had some students in 5/6 scale the images in GIMP and then upload them to Voicethread. Yesterday, armed with a story framework and their art projects, grade 5 and 6 students went to the grade one classroom, buddied up, wrote stories, practiced reading, and enjoyed Timbits. My students will word process the stories with large fonts, and have their buddies read their stories as Voicethreads. I've taken "mugshots" of the grade ones, and will upload them soon

Track our progress: Our Favourite Places to Be

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Most Basic and Effective Technology There Is...

My husband, my mom, and I participated in a "community walk" today along with 2000 or so other humans and doggies.

I had found out about the walk from FaceBook. I had joined a group called, "Friends of Station 20 West" after I'd seen a newsfeed announcing one of my FaceBook "friends" had just joined. I emailed the premier with my concerns. I signed an online petition. I also had emails from PAVED ARTS/New Media, and my yoga teacher urging people to get out and support the march. All of this happened BEFORE I read about it in the Star-Phoenix.

We gathered on a vacant lot at the intersection of Avenue M and 20th Street. There were the usual rousing speeches and outrageous songs of the "Raging Grannies". Motorists honked their support as they drove by. Police on bicycles escorted the walkers as they streamed down the sidewalks. Volunteers helped organize the parade.

We found out just how well organized everything was when my 81 year-old mother tripped and fell on a curb. An organizer with a cell phone appeared and contacted a volunteer "medic". A police officer on a bicycle came by and radioed the EMS people. Mom is OK, but had she not been, she would have had almost instant assistance to the medical help she might have needed.

There were also hundreds of cameras not only belonging to professional media services, but also ordinary people. One fellow had a "You Tube" label on his ultra small video camera. I'm sure hundreds of digital pictures and videos will be sent and uploaded during today, as well as many blogs (such as this one) written.

So what was the best of the technologies there? Human presence: people who cared about an issue and spent part of their Saturday morning showing it. They chose to get out of bed, get to one location and just BE THERE. Nothing replaces the presence of other humans en masse to broadcast the most effective message of all.

I'm glad I was there.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Followup on "Vindication for OLD 21st Century Learners"

I found this video from the blog "Free Technology for Teachers" written by Mr. Byrne. This is my response.

Thanks for including this video. At 54 years of age, it is nice to be told I'm not an archaic artifact of outdated education.

One thing that disturbs me greatly about all the "hype" around 21 century learning and skills: no one seems to answer the question (for me at least) "What do we need to learn in order to learn something else?" We all need to have some kind of knowledge and experience base in order to learn something else. If students do not have this base, then they will spend their time designing endless Zwinkies and playing mindless games with their 21st century technology.

Are present-day schools REALLY that bad? Is there NOTHING they have to offer to "21st Century Learners?" After all, even we old people have graduated to these new technologiesand ways of thinking from the "old schools".

Vindication for Old 21st Century Learners

Sunday, March 23, 2008


I've been playing around with a "new" browser- Flock ( I think). It's specialty seems to be keeping track of social networks (Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, etc etc). Does anyone use it? I'm sort of figuring it out, but I'd like to get rid of the standard feeds of news I NEVER read and don't want to start.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Online video production. My doggies are famous?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Current Affairs for Kids CBBC

I've always wanted to do current affairs with my grade 5 and 6 social studies classes, but have found the reading level of newspapers and news sites to be too difficult for most students to read easily. I've stumbled upon CBBC (which I assume is the BBC for Children?) Here is an article on Child Soldiers.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Difference Between Canadians and Americans?

As I have previously blogged, my class has been involved with Epals all year. Our most faithful correspondents have been from a school in Waterloo, Illinois. We have corresponded with the available class in the quarter of Mr. Bill Theobald, the technology teacher. We've even videoconferenced with them. The last time was a few days ago, but (blush) I wasn't able to check my sound connections thoroughly and I didn't press one tiny switch on my powerbar that powered my (own) speakers (obtained from a garage sale last summer for $2.00 - a fabulous bargain - but I digress.) Our conference was scheduled for 9:15 February 27...and our entire school had gone skiing February 26. I wasn't able to set up the day before, as our library (where I could get wireless internet) was being used for a community group (tapdancing??) . Things would have gone much better had we'd been able to conference from my classroom the next day- Rayleen brought out a wireless router so now we can get wireless connections down the oldest wing of HCS. Next time (there will be one), all will be better!

Which brings me to my blog title: In Waterloo, the conference was a BIG deal. My colleague, Bill, wrote to me "Our newspapers will have some VERY complimentary things to say about the videoconferencing experience. Pictures from the videoconference will be posted on the Waterloo School District #5 website. I will send you copies of the newspaper articles when published. " Earlier he had written that officials from the school division would be in monitoring our conference, and the one after it with a school in Italy.

As I said in my previous post, I really appreciate the opportunity to blog with my colleagues. I know that people can identify with the agonies and ecstasies of technological experimentation. I can write about my success and goofy failures and know that no one will laugh at me. That's all that matters to me, really. But how many of us are plugging away with virtually no notice and support from anyone else other than our tech committee buddies, and our students?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I LOVE the Tech Committee and each of their Blogs!

I've been spending some time over the February break reflecting over my role (and my passion) as a "tekkie" teacher. I've been feeling kind of down and out - and isolated. Then today I started thinking what a (professional) lifesaver it has been to be part of this group of professionals. We are (mostly) all here because we want to be. Even if we have no one else on our respective staffs with whom we can work creatively, we always have each other. I have not only loved reading everyone else's blogs, I have NEEDED them to feel professionally nourished, inspired, and connected. This is gushing, I know, but not far from the truth.

I know that those of you who are in university programs have this connection and continual stimulation. For those of us who are not yet or no longer in this loop, I find this committee and these blogs a kind of lifeline. Last year, I started listening to edtech podcasts. While these were wonderful, most of them (Ed Tech Posse excluded) were not locally focussed.

Please keep writing. I have always found the networking approach the best way to be creative. I find most teachers and administrators to operate more from a "work beside" rather than a "work with" perspective. In the "work beside" environment, not a lot of "collective creative consciousness" ever happens. For most of us who work in "work beside" environments, (in my experience) the best we can do is be here, doing what we do, passing on any information to the interested, and hopefully inspiring by example.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

ELA, Social Issues, Technology, and Grade 6 SocSt. Curriculum.....

My first degree is a BA(adv) in Sociology, and I realized that a) it took me 4 years to acquire all the jargon and concepts to be able to have some understanding of social science; and that b) after acquiring all that knowledge I didn't have a clue how to speak about it in everyday English to a non-sociology grad. I don't know if that experience really colours my experience teaching middle years social studies, but somehow I STILL look at the curricula and think, "My gosh, how many years of university did it take me to make sense of some of this stuff!!!)

I still struggle with "teaching the skills" as Prof. Dhand would say, and covering the curriculum.

One attempt for me is tying the study of literature 2ith the study of social issues. A few years ago, my (then) co-grade 5/6 teacher and I decided we didn't like any of the Canadianized American ELA reading programs, and so we decided to order various novels from Oxford University Press (which yes, are unabashedly British). While a lot of work, I've found that having these novel sets have given me instructional flexibility. I have some novels that are written at a 2-3 year reading level, and a middle level interest level. I have some that are at year 5 and 6 reading and interest level, and I have some that can provide enrichment.

I have created a page of Youtube video links to add to the study of the social issues aspect of the novel studies.

On Thursday when no students were here, Donna helped me via Skype to create a new page of video links for my Grade 5 and 6 page. (The few students who were in the lab thought I was off my nut speaking into my computer screen!) I found some cool stuff, and a lot of school project type stuff (well, Youtube IS democratic!!!) I even found out that Grace the Pirate isn't just a level 3 reading story, she is in fact an historically documented Irish female leader of the Elizabethan age.

We haven't been able to start the novel studies yet...Monday's the day. I hope all this work is worthwhile.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Audacity Tutorial

has a downloadable Audacity tutorial in a .doc format.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The RED PANDA! (Or how Canada's greatest superhero taught my class how to make podcasts!)

I've always wanted to get my students to make enteratining podcasts, but I didn't know where to get inspiration and modeling for them. Recently, on iTunes, I've listened to "Old Tyme Radio Network" podcasts, and by chance I stumbled onto . The Red Panda season one is Decoder Ring Theatre (from Canada)'s tribute to old radio programs. I've played both the old radio and Red Panda for my class. They definately prefer the Red Panda because it has better sound quality, and moves at a quicker, more modern pace. (As well, can you imagine the Red Panda's sidekick, his driver, Kit Baxter, as the Flying Squirrel?)

Today, some students started experimenting with recording podcasts. One group used my laptop MacBook, and the other group and I experimented with Audacity. GarageBand is AWESOME as we all know, but we were all surprised at how well Audacity worked. We still need to do a lot more work, but today was one of those great days in education.

PS....any tips on using Audacity and/or GarageBand gratefully received!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Google Alerts and

Being once again (yegadz I am SO old) in the position to have to prepare lessons for yet another set of applications (am I whining?) , I have been using "Google Alerts" to locate online teaching resources, tutorials, and hints, and then saving the links to in order to keep them until I need them.

For example , to day there is :
An intro tutorial to Microsoft Word

How to make a realistic pupil in Fireworks (and lots of other cool stuff)

Gimpusers Flickr Blog

Building a better podcast

Ipod Dancer Tutorial

I can screen the possible tutorials, and add the one's I think have instructional possiblitities to my account

It comes in handy. I especially love having these laptops; it makes sitting crosslegged on the couch more productive!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hi Donna...and yes, I'm learning to love my Google Reader.

Out of sheer desperation...every other day trying to log into the "Learning Technology Blogs" one by one...and out of the cyber blue I figured out how to use Google Reader! It was like the heavens parted - briefly!

Then I began to add a few blogs that seem to have some useful information (see my previous posts).

As Lao Tsu says, "The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step."

Sunday, January 13, 2008


This is another highly informative blog to which I have subscribed:

As she describes herself:

"LANGWITCHES' Blog contains thoughts, ideas and projects on my journey as a Technology Integration Facillitator.

My name is Silvia Tolisano. I was born in Germany, raised in Argentina and am living in the United States. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Spanish with a Minor in International Studies and a Masters in Education with an emphasis in Instructional Technology.

My areas of interest include technology in the classroom and multicultural and global education."


Save Our Prairie

This is a blog site about globalwarming with a local concern.

Deidre Bonnycastle is an educational technologist (UofS grad) and an instructional designer for the College of Medicine at the UofS (aka a teacher teaching doctors - novel idea eh???) She has let me know about a blog

Saturday, January 12, 2008 is an online storage and sharing site. Everyone can sign up for a free account and get 5 gigs of online storage space. (Google gives you 1 gig?) The idea of this site is that you will share things like video and images; however you can set the preferences so that nothing is shared. I've been using this recently to upload my school files for backup. So far, so good. I know I could save things to my flash drive, but dang it, then I would have to know where it is at all times.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Holiday Surfing Finds

I've found a few cool things as I've surfed over the holidays.

Paint. Net I tried downloading this onto my laptop. It seems to be more like GIMP than MS Paint is.

Pete's Online Typing Lessons These seem to work well (depending on your connection speed).

Well, back to coffee - part two - and more surfing.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I've subscribed to TeacherTechBlog It seems (so far) to be a very practical blog for teachers in the K-12 community.

A good blog entry to start on is "The Best of 2007"

I'm going through it right now and have found some useful tidbits.