Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I LOVE the Tech Committee and each of their Blogs!

I've been spending some time over the February break reflecting over my role (and my passion) as a "tekkie" teacher. I've been feeling kind of down and out - and isolated. Then today I started thinking what a (professional) lifesaver it has been to be part of this group of professionals. We are (mostly) all here because we want to be. Even if we have no one else on our respective staffs with whom we can work creatively, we always have each other. I have not only loved reading everyone else's blogs, I have NEEDED them to feel professionally nourished, inspired, and connected. This is gushing, I know, but not far from the truth.

I know that those of you who are in university programs have this connection and continual stimulation. For those of us who are not yet or no longer in this loop, I find this committee and these blogs a kind of lifeline. Last year, I started listening to edtech podcasts. While these were wonderful, most of them (Ed Tech Posse excluded) were not locally focussed.

Please keep writing. I have always found the networking approach the best way to be creative. I find most teachers and administrators to operate more from a "work beside" rather than a "work with" perspective. In the "work beside" environment, not a lot of "collective creative consciousness" ever happens. For most of us who work in "work beside" environments, (in my experience) the best we can do is be here, doing what we do, passing on any information to the interested, and hopefully inspiring by example.


Real Gary Ball said...

I agree with you. It is lots of fun to work with a group that all want to be there. I have learned a ton from the rest of you and continue to. These types of conversations is what the internet was really designed for (not silly videos of people rolling down hills on tubes). This kind of conversation does revitalize us as professionals. It is good to be part of a profession where we share.

Morag Riddell said...

Hi Pat,

I also really enjoy this group although I could spend all my time doing 'techie' stuff and getting nothing else accomplished. C'est la vie!

pcone said...

Yes, Morag, excellent point. I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on matters related to technology...a (sometimes) happy problem.