Sunday, December 14, 2008

Is blogging becoming passe?

I've noticed fewer and fewer blogs (mine included) - not only from LSKYSD teachers, but also from the formerly prolific bloggers to whom I subscribe? Is this because we have found new tools - Twitter, Yammer, Edmoto..... in order to communicate our peals of wisdon and insight, or do we have less and less to say? Have we lost our sense of wonder with these new tools, or are we being more judicious about what we do say? Are we just plain tired, or have we found our networks and are we sticking to them?

For me, I'm not sure I have as much to say. I am not directly teaching a technology class per se; however I am using technology to teach most of my classes. I'm experimenting with Edmodo. I'm using Google Docs for students to complete short historical research assignments in ArtsEd 9/10. My grade 5/6 social studies class is epaling with Epals, and teleconferencing using Skype. Of course, we are wordprocessing assignments! I've written about these already; how much more can I say? As well, like everyone, I'm "busy, busy, busy....".

We are still Skyping with a class in the states. I'd like to Skype with a class in LSKYSD. Anyone interested?

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