Saturday, March 7, 2009

Educational Reform = Societal Reform

I think education has become the scapegoat of society. Schools are expected more and more to perform the duties that only a whole, well-functioning and integrated society can.

I remember some things learned back in my caveperson university days, an era when calculators had just replaced slide rules. I remember learning that schools are a reflection of the communities they serve. If this is true, (I think it is) then it is nearly pointless to ponder educational reform until social reforms take place.

It would seem in our society that we have compartmentalized everything, for example religion, food production, commerce, health care, families, child rearing, elder care, education of the young, safety. We have created experts and institutions for each of these social functions. These experts and institutions tend not to take any responsibility for matters not considered under their authority. The individual must deal with a dizzying number of experts and institutions in order to just survive from day to day.

Somehow in our 21st century world we are getting worse and worse at effectively meeting the needs of the people who live here. Society needs to function as a whole unit since a whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Until we world citizens can de - compartmentalize our institutions and learn to communicate and effectively problem solve together, I don't think anything will get much better, and probably will get a whole lot worse.


Kim said...

Here, here! (or is it hear, hear?!)

eldongermann said...

I couldn't agree more. The more I look at the expection of schools vs. the expectation of general societ, whether it be of citizenship...etc., the more I am a proud of what I do and annoyed at community.

How can we expect our students to learn what we teach if it is not only "not supported" at home, but worse yet, discounted.

Could you imagine teaching adding for the first time to grade 1's.

Teacher: 1+1=2
Student: ok
thre hours later.
Parent: 1+1=don't wory about it, you can play on the computer.
Student: I forget what 1+1 equals.

THis is the unfortunate and ridiculous society we live in.